Create a Clear Plan for Growth

You need a clear marketing strategy to reach more customers.

Together, we can make it happen.


Schedule a Free
Consultation Now



You’re a passionate business owner trying to make your mark in a digital world. You just need a little help figuring out the best way to do that. I totally understand, I’ve been there!


About me

I’ve traveled to 23 countries helping organizations and businesses just like yours to thrive in their marketing and achieve their long term growth goals. Schedule a consultation and we’ll find the best way to make that happen for you, too! 

Ryan Dutra
Founder, Upswing Strategies



Within 6 months, my clients have experienced:

Monthly Inquiries Bubble (1).png
Volunteer Apps Amounts Bubble (1).png
Donation AmountsBubble (1).png

“Ryan is the area’s premier marketing strategist, and we have been thrilled with everything he’s ever done for our clients.”
Logan Martin, Good Notion


“Ryan is an outstanding person with unmatched expertise in his field. He is a great communicator, organized, a great listener and so easy to get along with.”
Mike Riddle, Mike Riddle Construction


Some of our beloved clients: